Deadline: 30 OCT & 27 NOV at 21.00 At the end of each month, the teams will get to show-case what impact they have created, both on-and offline. Each month, teams can receive
up to 20 points from Outreach. The teams will post their proof of Outreach on Google Classroom. The Outreach is divided into 3 different categories:
Social Media category contains any targeted, documented and measured activity the teams have online regarding their project (Facebook, Instagram, etc). To be able to receive points, the teams should create a joint social media account(s) to show-case their project. A team can receive
5 points for the category if their activity provided is targeted, documented and measured. Otherwise, the team will receive 0 points.
Media category contains any official publications (newspapers, magazines, blogs etc) or other public channels (radio, TV, podcast etc). A team will receive
5 points for this category if they have been able to raise their public visibility at least once about their project and are able to document and measure it. Otherwise, the team will receive 0 points.
Events category contains any public appearances at diverse events either as (co-) organisers or as public speakers. A team will receive
5 points for the category should they organise a public event to create more awareness about their cause or participate at an event introducing their product/project. Also, any partnership/collaboration attained outside of the program with enterprises, public sector organisations, NGOs etc, will bring a team an
extra 5 points. As in other categories, their submission needs to be documented and measured. Otherwise, the team will receive 0 points.