Future Heroes 2020

All about points. How to earn more? The race is on!
All squad points
Detailed points will be published
once there are more points to speak of!
Total points: 269
Total points: 297
Squad 3
Total points: 306
Squad 4

Total points: 321
Squad 5
Good for us
Total points: 313
Squad 6
Sugar Heroes
Total points: 389
Total points: 307
Squad 8
Raro kaart
Total points: 351
How to earn points?
Work hard, be nice, share and those squad points will be piling up in no time :)

Kindness pays, spitefulness costs. Kind and open teamwork and respectful communication helps your squad to earn points when doing your Homework or collecting Outreach points as a squad.

As for your roles, these are not just fancy titles. All of your roles are of equal importance. Make sure you take your responsibility seriously and do your best. Keep the Squad Rules in mind.
Now, let's proceed to the points!

Every workshop the squad can earn up to 5 points for being in the right place at the right time. If there are less or more than 5 members in one team, a formula will be used to calculate the points.
Your coaches will evaluate your squad's homework between workshops. Timeliness and commitment matter as well as the quality of the work presented.

You can earn up to 10 points for each Homework.

Make sure to follow your Coaches' guidelines! The grading criteria are the following:
  • 2 point – deadline
  • 2 point – structured presentation, professionalism
  • 1 point – originality, creativity
  • 5 points – content quality
Deadline: 30 OCT & 27 NOV at 21.00

At the end of each month, the teams will get to show-case what impact they have created, both on-and offline. Each month, teams can receive up to 20 points from Outreach. The teams will post their proof of Outreach on Google Classroom. The Outreach is divided into 3 different categories:
  • Social Media
  • Media
  • Events

Social Media category contains any targeted, documented and measured activity the teams have online regarding their project (Facebook, Instagram, etc). To be able to receive points, the teams should create a joint social media account(s) to show-case their project. A team can receive 5 points for the category if their activity provided is targeted, documented and measured. Otherwise, the team will receive 0 points.

Media category contains any official publications (newspapers, magazines, blogs etc) or other public channels (radio, TV, podcast etc). A team will receive 5 points for this category if they have been able to raise their public visibility at least once about their project and are able to document and measure it. Otherwise, the team will receive 0 points.

Events category contains any public appearances at diverse events either as (co-) organisers or as public speakers. A team will receive 5 points for the category should they organise a public event to create more awareness about their cause or participate at an event introducing their product/project. Also, any partnership/collaboration attained outside of the program with enterprises, public sector organisations, NGOs etc, will bring a team an extra 5 points. As in other categories, their submission needs to be documented and measured. Otherwise, the team will receive 0 points.
Squad Rules
all for one
You promise to have
each other's back.
fight fair
Treat each other with
respect & goodwill.
be your best
Stop yourself from being mean & dishonest. If you have an issue, be considerate and open about it.
treat everyone equally
We are all imperfect, all human.
random acts of kindness
Do random acts of kindness to each other.
We love to spot the magic happen!
be humble
It shows strength, not weakness!
be real
...because fake is exhausting. You are a Superhero, spare your energy for saving the world!